how are you being affected your homeschool influencers?

If you’re a homeschool mama and you’re looking after your self-care, you need to recognize your influencers.

Books, people, and my mind: the three biggest influencers on me and my world of influence.

So who are your homeschool influencers?

There are a handful of anonymous people that I allow to influence my thoughts on parenting, life, marriage, friendship, the Creator, creativity, work, and purpose.

I haven’t met them and I likely never will.

I’m likely searching for the answers to the things they’re answering for themselves. Or perhaps it’s because I’ve already become certain of my own answers and see my answers in their written words

your homeschool influencers: the person who has influenced me

They are authors.

They write their stories and they share their opinions. And I sit in my windowed corner of a mountain universe and underline their impressionable sentences. I am the audience that wants to hear their message.

These are significant authorial influencers in my present world:
1. Elizabeth Gilbert.

Tell me how to let go, create, and commune with the spirit that seeks to manifest itself in the tangible world. And know that all that creating has inherent meaning.

Listen to the episode where I share how Elizabeth Gilbert can influence our homeschools.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear” by Elizabeth Gilbert

2. Gordon Neufeld.

Kids live in a peer-based culture but they weren’t intended to live in the confines of that sterile, impotent circle. They were born to be attached and nurtured in the circle of their parental, and familial influences. And they grow up connected and healthy as a result.

Listen to the episode where I share how Gordon Neufeld can influence our homeschools.

Hold on to Your Kids” by Gordon Neufeld

You can read more on how I think Gordon Neufeld influences my homeschool here.
3. Sarah Susanka.

The draw of the simple life, creating space for the important things. Less is truly more. We are ‘playing our part in the concert of manifestation, simply experiencing firsthand the brilliant orchestration and choreography of the one who teaches, our music master.’

The not so big life: making room for what really matters” by Sarah Susanka.

ps, I did have the opportunity to meet Sarah Susanka and even interviewed her for my podcast here.

Here’s how she’s influenced my homeschool.

Who has influenced you?

Join the Homeschool Mama Book Club to connect with other homeschool mamas who want to show up on purpose in their homeschools & their lives.

“Martin Luther said, “If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write. I say, “If you want to change your heart, pick up a book and read.”

Teresa Wiedrick, author of Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurturing the Nurturer

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.