Building Boundaries and Requiring Time Outs with Stacy Wilson

Stacy Wilson is a mom to five and a homeschool mom to four who works full-time and loves to help moms with lots of littles have the energy they need to rock their mom journey.

She helps moms find happiness in the stage of life they’re in, through daily habits that help fill their buckets (so they have more to give their families). Nothing is worse than wanting what’s best for your family. Yet, not having the energy or mental strength to get out of bed in the morning isn’t good either.

Stacy Wilson graduated with an AA in Sports Medicine and then her BA in Health Science with an emphasis in Personal Health and Lifetime Wellness.

After college, sports coaching tapered off as she had more children. She returned to health after her fourth baby was born (after she was tired, depressed, and unhappy). She began coaching in-home workouts, and nutrition, with accountability. 

Build Boundaries Checklist for Homeschool Moms

It’s hard to make yourself a priority. It always will be. It’ll never get easier to make yourself a priority. It’s usually inconveniencing someone else. But the more you do it, the more you’ll see the benefits of it and so will your family.

Stacy Wilson

Stacy encourages homeschool moms:

  • You have to be intentional, whether it’s workouts, homeschooling, or boundaries.
  • You have to be doing what you’re doing, be intentional.
  • Use workouts: not to lose weight but to gain energy, and strength, but prove to that we can do hard things.
  • Include nutrition: not so we can fit into the pre-baby jeans, but to refuel our bodies with nutrients that pregnancy and nursing strip away.
  • Incorporate self-care: not to just take time for us, but to find things that truly fill our buckets and find fulfillment. 

You can find Stacy Wilson online:

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