Encouragement for New Homeschoolers

Will you begin homeschooling this year?

I bring encouragement to new homeschoolers. But first, here are four things you need to consider when beginning homeschooling:

Your goal is to consider what an education is anyway and read about unschoolingdeschooling, and learning. They’ll all give you perspective on how you homeschool no matter your approach.

So what will I share as encouragement for new homeschoolers?

Invitation for the 1st Year Homeschoolers…

Here are 5 pieces of encouragement for new homeschoolers:

  1. You’ve Got This: Remember that you are your child’s first and most important teacher. Your dedication and love will guide them through this journey.
  2. Progress Over Perfection: It’s okay if things don’t go perfectly every day. Focus on the progress your child is making and the positive moments you share.
  3. Learning Everywhere: Learning happens in the most unexpected places. Embrace the joy of discovering new things together, whether it’s through a book, a nature walk, or a simple conversation.
  4. Flexibility Is Key: Your homeschooling journey will evolve, and that’s okay. Be open to adjusting your approach as you learn more about your child’s needs and interests.
  5. Celebrate Achievements: Take time to celebrate both big and small victories – from mastering a difficult concept to simply enjoying a productive day of learning. Each step forward is worth acknowledging.
You are beginning a remarkable adventure that will bring you and your child closer, nurturing their curiosity and growth in ways that homeschooling can uniquely provide.
You can do this, girlfriend!

A rite of passage for the 1st year homeschool mama…

Consider the art and science of an education.

So, there’s an art and science in medicine, I’ve been told.

If one could type symptoms into the Google bar and spit out a diagnosis, would medical doctors be required? There’s a certain experience and constant exposure that surrounds the assessment and diagnoses in medicine that can’t be captured in the Google bar.

The same is true for the idea of an education: there’s an art and science to an education too.
We could try to jam a bunch of facts into the minds of our children and hope they spit out the requested knowledge later. But I believe that education would merely be judged inadequate, adequate, above average, or excellent.

However, what value is there in that?

Isn’t an education more than just cramming knowledge bits into our brains?

You get to decide what it is and how you will approach it in your homeschool.

So what do you believe an education is anyway?

5 thoughts for the new homeschool mama…

A few more thoughts as encouragement for new homeschoolers…

  1. Start with the Why: Determine why you’re doing what you’re doing. (You’ll be able to return to your WHY on your hard days.)
  2. Realistic Expectations: Homeschooling doesn’t need to replicate traditional schooling. (In fact, you’d be wise NOT to do this.) Practice observing how your children learn, and what they like to learn, and strengthen your flexibility muscle (because you’ll need it!)
  3. Learning Styles: Talk about the importance of understanding your child’s learning style. You have unique learning styles and so do your kids. (Continue to pay attention to them and continue to incorporate what you learn into your homeschool efforts!)
  4. Resources and Curriculum: There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to choosing the right resources and curriculum. They don’t exist. Explore your options to find what works best for your family.
  5. Build a Support Network: Building a community of homeschoolers. There are oodles of them. Find one that feels right to you. If you’re a homeschool mom who values personal growth and leaning into child-led learning, consider joining the Homeschool Mama Support Group.

Of course, I have oodles of other encouragement for new homeschoolers…
  1. Balance Structure and Flexibility: Routines can provide stability, but flexibility is key: because every day won’t flow as initially expected.
  2. Learn Through Life: You and I both know that your kids can learn loads of things from everyday experiences: grocery shopping, cooking, or gardening, can be educational and engaging. So plan for them in your routine.
  3. Work to Overcome Challenges: Choose a growth mindset. Don’t continue to suffer from common challenges like self-doubt, time management issues, and feeling overwhelmed. Challenges are a normal part of every parent’s journey, but especially in the homeschool mom journey.
  4. Record Progress and Celebrate Wins: Keep a record of their child’s progress and celebrate even the smallest victories. This will help you see how far you’ve come and boost your confidence in your homeschool family approach.
  5. Self-Care: RPrioritize self-care and set boundaries to keep you going in the long run. Taking care of your well-being ensures you have the energy and patience to provide the best homeschooling experience for your children.
  6. Permission to Evolve: Homeschooling is a dynamic process. It’s okay to adapt, change approaches, and explore different strategies as you and your kids grow and evolve.
  7. The Joy of Learning Together: Share stories of bonding moments and shared discoveries between parents and children. Highlight the unique opportunity homeschooling provides to build strong relationships while learning together.
By addressing these key points, you can have a well-rounded perspective on the journey ahead, as they embark on this rewarding adventure.

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.