Capturing the Charmed Life

how to encourage homeschool productivity: lessons learned from mark twain

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started,” said Mark Twain. (They say Agatha Christie said this too). Either way, they both did a lot of writing.

The secret to not getting ahead is fear. Fear stalls the getting ahead. We don’t DO because we’re afraid, but we’re never going to get ahead if we never DO.

I know that fear has still not left me despite solidly crafting a fictional world, creating a world of fictional characters, and a plot that hasn’t previously existed (or at least doesn’t exist in a world I know). I’ve got under a 100,000 words for a fiction novel, snippets of stories, and I’m presently molding it into cohesive form.

And I’m still scared to write.

how to encourage homeschool productivity

What if it doesn’t make sense?

What if it is mediocre?

What if no one will want to read it?

And what if no one will give me the opportunity to publish it anyway?

These thoughts haven’t disappeared as I’ve continued to sit in front of this laptop.

I’m not exceptional in my courage. And I’ve learned I’m also not exceptional in my fear.

I have one simple vision: I have wanted to write a book as long as I can remember. So I have to write.

I don’t tell myself not to be afraid. I don’t tell myself I have succeeded if I have offers to publish before it’s complete. I tell myself I have succeeded by the mere act of following through

This is the same with homeschooling.

We show up We do the homeschool. And we keep doing the homeschool thing. Until they’ve left our home. Or until we decide to approach our family life differently. Or until life requires us to shift directions.

And we do it knowing we’ll make mistakes, we couldn’t possibly do it perfectly, there is no one right way to enact the homeschool thing, so we just DO.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a child waiting for me.

Enjoy the book of homeschool encouragement for you, homeschool mama: Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurturing the Nurturer

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