Capturing the Charmed Life

a dedication to my homeschool children

This is a dedication to my homeschool children.

I know that kids need boundaries, but they’re given the mustn’ts all the time.

So though I know they can’t do all sorts of things…

I want them to have freedom.

So this is a dedication to my homeschooled children.

Rachel grow up and change the world: this is a dedication to my homeschool kids.

They have limitations, they hear “no” endlessly, and they have to rethink their natural inclinations continuously.

I believe they’ll learn through boundaries: how to deal with others, how to care for their things, and how to do a lot of things. But I still want them to hear the message that they’re not entirely limited.

I wish them a world of possibilities: freedom, curiosity, satisfaction, and the pursuit of fulfillment.

To that end, this is my dedication to my homeschool children:

Listen to the mustn’ts child,

Listen to the don’ts,

Listen to the shouldn’ts,

The impossibles, the won’ts,

Listen to the never haves,

Then listen close to me,

Anything can happen, child,

Anything can be!

Shel Silverstein

“My homeschooling journey has included a growing pile of books that I have read, browsed, or barely got past the first chapter. This book is just delightful and a gem! It’s not only helpful and inspiring but also funny. The author is like that no-nonsense brave friend who is looking out for you and your well-being as a homeschooling mama. We all need that friend and I am taking my time as I work my way through the chapters and enjoying it all. I love the section on overcoming overwhelm, grappling with perfectionism, and minding and working through our emotions. This book is worth its weight in gold. Find a quiet place to read, bring a warm cup of tea, and enjoy!”

–Sonia in S. Jersey

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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