Capturing the Charmed Life

Homeschool Christmas Gift Ideas for A Builder-Based Learner

Have a kinesthetic learner in your homeschool who loves to build and make?

Let me introduce you to my eleven-year-old’s Christmas wish list.

Here are homeschool Christmas gift ideas I share with you: gifts that can create a fun Christmas morning and also learning opportunities for your home education intentions.

Join the 12 Day Self-Care Challenge for the Homeschool Mama: Homeschool Christmas gift ideas

Lego. (You knew I would add this product.) It’s so versatile, facilitates curiosity, and gets boys and girls thinking. Since it’s made of some form of hard plastic, I’m pretty sure this statement is accurate: a toy for the ages.

Gravitrax. A new fascination for my eleven-year-old son. Building, physics concepts, creativity: it has it all. It is on his wish list and might be hidden under my bed.

Trains. Whether they be Lego or any other version, electric trains facilitate all sorts of learning: electricity, physics, and kinesthetics.

Kanoodle. Though these pieces disappear in sofa cushions and at the edges of stairs, though these pieces are as uncomfortable to step on as Lego, this game gets those neural networks going.

Lego Technic. A hearty Christmas purchase, one that we’re not likely to achieve in our son’s lifetime, but if this is a Wishlist, I’m putting it on. So cool. This will get his little brain working for a very long time.

Labyrinth. Play games at friends’ homes and you’ll find some cool new games. This might not have been on certain people’s Wishlists this year, but I’m thinking it’ll be loved.

Makeblock, Edu Robot. A clever that our son received last year. Robotics and electricity learned through building. (& I love Christmas gifts that don’t require me to build them and buy batteries for).

But we can’t forget the homeschool mama. Here are some of MY favourite Christmas things…that will be on my wishlist.

But did you notice that all these Christmas gifts could be part of your homeschool curriculum? There’s always an opportunity to Unschool Christmas. Check out a whole bunch of other ideas to unschool Christmas here.

May you have much fun this Christmas day with homeschool Christmas gift ideas!

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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