Capturing the Charmed Life

homeschool mama, be conscious of your homeschool influencers

Homeschool mama self-care means we must be conscious of our influencers.

Our thoughts influence our actions and impact our experience of life and how we engage our choices in life.

It is not just my own thoughts that affect me. Those around us influence us too.

Who are your homeschool influencers?

Be conscious of your homeschool influencers.

We need to choose our homeschool influencers wisely.

Every person influences us throughout our life story.

Imagine a theatre stage. We are the main actor. All the world’s a stage, Shakespeare says.

Each person in our lives is a character in that life story:

There are also the…

These are our homeschool influencers.

The homeschool influencers who most significantly influence our daily lives, how we think, and what we notice.

Influencers like our encouragers.

The bear hugs of warmth after a long car trip to visit Grandma, a warm word from Grandpa on our wedding day, a parent’s “I’m so proud of you”, or a counselor’s words to put in the effort of a struggling marriage.

Some people pass in and out of our lives, but the way the encourager makes us feel lasts forever.

The influencers are our teachers.

The roommate who walked into the room with a warm smile and exuded confidence. A mentor who suggested you didn’t have to be afraid, just be the real you. The child that determined her happiness would hold firm with or without the approval of others. A teacher teaches without whiteboards and markers.

Influencers that nurture.

The one that looked into your eyes and stroked your face when you were sad, that told you that you were worthy of being loved, that you have value just because you were created. And the one that always responds on the other end of an emergent text.

Certainly, the nurturer makes us feel connected, worthy, and valuable.

The revolutionaries that teach us.

And the one that speaks the truth without fear.

The one that spoke a truth you didn’t want to hear, the one that spoke a truth in a roomful of naysayers, and the one that convinced you of that truth and compelled you to practice that new truth.

You’ll know the revolutionary: this is the one that compels us toward truth.

Those that act like our mirrors.

The one that makes us see in the mirror something we need to see in us. We find the mirror compels us to be honest about ourselves and practice new skills that we never would have accepted if we didn’t see it in their eyes.

Even the villain can be our influencers.

The one that knocked the happiness out of us whenever she visited. Or the one that scared us with his abruptness. The one that commented on a post unkindly. And the villain helps us see what we don’t want.

Our co-travelers are our influencers too.

Our stories are not the same, but we walk through life with similar stories. We have different scenarios and different characters, but similar themes. The co-travelers remind us that we’re not alone.

We are conscious of our influencers as continue to grow and learn and find our way, our purpose, and our impact.

So, we become conscious of how others influence us.

Everyone plays a different role, influences us, and infuses our thoughts with ideas that affect our actions, which affect our experience of life.

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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