Capturing the Charmed Life

how to incorporate play into your homeschool slump month

The homeschool slump month demands a shift in routine.

You’re not the only one feeling the slump, your kids are too. Tis the season to incorporate play and fun into your homeschool.

So how to incorporate play into your homeschool slump month?

how to incorporate play into the homeschool slump month

It’s the end of February and routine is getting a little too…well, routine.

Since this is about halfway into the season of candy, from Halloween to Easter, why don’t we put what’s left to good use?

You might think that because I don’t have to report to anyone about my children’s education, I don’t expect to submit regular reports, that I don’t have to grade my children’s written work or formally test their math levels, I would always find a way to make everything fun because I could

Nope. I have often included readings, lectures, and workbooks (of course, these are fun for the first few weeks, isn’t an all-new curriculum?) Yet, it’s taken me years to learn how to have fun.

This might have been my biggest learning curve about homeschooling: learning to make stuff fun. 

I’ve been motivated to make stuff fun for these reasons:

I’ve even learned to make fun a part of our weekly routine.

Candy, used in irregular spaces, can motivate and reenergize any game.

(But unless your dental plan has sweeping coverage, I don’t recommend using candy daily.)

How to use candy-inspired games:
Sugar isn’t the only way to make stuff fun. you can also use non-candy-inspired fun and games:

And hey, don’t forget to celebrate the teddy’s birthdays in your homeschool days too…

Change up your homeschool routine in the slump month.

See the education in your play!

But if you want more ideas on how to beat slump month, check them out here.

“Play gives children a way to practice what they’re learning.” 

Mr. Rogers

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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