Capturing the Charmed Life

How to Choose Vision Words for your Homeschool

I choose a vision word for each of my homeschooled kids. (Ya know, a word that represents what I want for each of my kids).

Each vision word represents what I want them to embody.

I write these words at the top of my journal as a daily reminder.

So let’s chat about how to choose vision words for your homeschool & for you.

Re Envision your Homeschool & Life 2024:

Choosing vision words for your homeschool kids involves simple observation.

What would you like each of your kids to grow into?

Everyone gets a word. (It’s a word I choose to pray for them.)

But not a word I let them know about. They don’t need to see that I’m making judgments about them.

It is the word I see them most growing toward.

Of course, that vision is in the eye of the beholder and at a certain age, they might have their own vision. But until then, who else is their greatest advocate and cheerleader? ME!

So, what word would you like to pray for each of your kids?

This particular year, I used these words:

These words may change throughout the year.

I have my own words for myself too.

One year it was: Feminine, focused, and fearless.

Another year it was: Encourage, nurture, receive.

It’s not that choosing a single word will create their fate or mine.

But when you spend enough time thinking about it, you will inevitably move toward it.

So what’s your word to help you focus yourself this year?

ps You’re welcome to Join the 2024 Homeschool Challenge for Clarity, Confidence & Vision

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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