Homeschool Coaching Services

I help the homeschool mama shed what’s not working so she can show up in her homeschool (& life) authentically, purposefully, and confidently.

Teresa Wiedrick, Homeschool Life Coach
Homeschool coaching services with Teeresa Wiedrick of Capturing the Charmed Life

Hey, there! I’m Teresa.

I offer homeschool coaching services after I’ve been a homeschool mom to four kiddos, now aged 14-21.

The homeschool lifestyle has taught me about learning, learning about living with kids, learning to work while homeschooling, and clarifying how to show up on purpose in my homeschool & life.

I offer encouragement & perspective for homeschool moms through my homeschool mentoring & life coaching services, courses, journaling workbooks, my blog, my Facebook group, my Instagram page, my book, and my podcast Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurturing the Nurturer.

“Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Can I share who I support in the homeschool community?

Homeschool coaching services to help you gain clarity, confidence & vision in your homeschool & life.

My goal: to help you gain clarity, confidence & vision through my homeschool coaching services.

Browse my homeschool coaching packages and options below.

Homeschool Mama Retreat

…if you need a breather

Get group homeschool coaching services to take a breather, reassess your homeschool, determine what you need, and uncover practical tools to address those needs.

+ Readings, videos & PDFs will assist our one-hour weekly coaching sessions.

+ You’ll receive a journaling workbook to dig deep when we’re not together, a free signed copy of my book Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurturing the Nurturer, and a self-care gift sent to you.

+ Be guided in your individual challenges as we tackle them in a 50-minute zoom call once a week for 4 weeks.

Homeschool Mama Intensives

for overwhelm, boundaries, self-compassion, or deschooling

Tackle challenges in your real homeschool days: discover practical tools to address them and enable gentle accountability to practice them.

+This will be a 1 1/2 hour group intensive where we engage a specific challenge familiar to the homeschool mama. We’ll be guided in specific tools as a group.

+There will be personal feedback and journal questions for you to continue the work afterward.

One-on-One Homeschool Mama

personal coaching

Tackle a specific scenario in your homeschool or your life.

+ Receive an additional dose of weekly personal encouragement as you venture into homeschooling.

+ Personal 1:1 time to address your specific needs and concerns.

+ 50-minute Zoom chat completely dedicated to answering your specific questions.

+ Follow-up email & journal prompts to help you dig deep when we’re not chatting.

I'm here to encourage you to do this homeschool thing and to show up on purpose in your homeschool and life.

I’m here to encourage you to do this homeschool thing and to show up on purpose through my homeschool coaching services.

Kind Words

“Teresa has been of tremendous value towards my growth in homeschooling and self-care. She is encouraging and supportive of all that I long to pursue. I’m so grateful that I have her to walk alongside me in this journey.”

Holly, Homeschool Mama of Two

Let’s face it. Homeschooling is hard. And amazing. There is elation and devastation – all in the course of an average day. Teresa comes alongside to help you navigate your relationship to homeschooling. Not to fix you, but to sufficiently assist you in detaching your identify from the activity so that, in fact, homeschooling is elevated to new heights.

Why homeschool coaching? Teresa helps you poke through your assumptions and inner narrative to help you parent and educate gently – not only for your children, but for yourself. She matches your pace to co-create sustaining practices for life and the long haul.

Diane Down, Homeschool Mama of 3 & Life Coach at Signature Coaching

If you want someone to walk alongside you in your homeschool journey, to help you gain practical tools to address your greatest homeschool challenges, connect with Teresa Wiedrick, from Capturing the Charmed Life.

So, do you want to work together?

Let me be that coach to walk alongside you.

Helping you turn your homeschool challenges into your homeschool charms.

Copyright Teresa Wiedrick 2021©