Capturing the Charmed Life

Homeschool Help to Reimagine your Homeschool

Everyone who homeschools hopes this homeschool lifestyle will benefit their kids, by enabling their success and motivation, building strong family connections, and creating amazing memories, but what do you do when you’ve been homeschooling for a while and it doesn’t feel like it’s bearing out in all those amazing things?

As we officially gear up for the upcoming homeschool year, you might be noticing a few challenges, or recognize uncomfortable (or confusing) patterns that seem to be repeating themselves, and you don’t want to bring them into your next homeschool year.

So how can you get homeschool help to reimagine your homeschool?

reimagine your homeschool group coaching program: homeschool help to reimagine your homeschool

If you know you’ve been overwhelmed, stressed, or challenged by something (or someone), how can you get homeschool help to reimagine your homeschool?

Of course, you don’t have to address these challenges. You might be good to play groundhog day this upcoming year because you have the full freedom to do whatever you want. Your homeschool life might not feel like freedom, but you can keep on keeping on even if it doesn’t feel good.

But if you are curious about how you might want to reimagine your homeschool, you will want to listen to this episode.

Before we begin, what challenges might you experience in your homeschool? (Oh, I can think of a few). And I think you just did as I asked you.

However, before I share what challenges I’m familiar with, whether in my own homeschool life or in other homeschool families’ lives, consider grabbing your journal and writing your challenges down!

So what first comes to mind when you think “hmmm, reimagine my homeschool“, what do I want to reimagine?
Or if you’re a new homeschooler and you wonder how you could imagine your homeschool…
No matter what stage of homeschooling, you might be wondering if…
Or addressing challenges like knowing for sure which homeschool philosophy you should choose…
You’re not sure the best approach to use in your homeschool…
Sometimes you’re unclear about the basics, like setting up a routine and a homeschool room.
As a new homeschooler, you may have a few questions about curriculum. You have no idea where to even start.
I have often heard: “Can I be honest? This lifestyle doesn’t always feel like it’s working for me because I am not always showing up as the best mom to my kids…”

If you want to learn more about the Reimagine your Homeschool Group coaching program…

So, why would you want homeschool help to reimagine your homeschool life? Oh, a couple reasons.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve loved my homeschool life. (Most days). 

It’s been a remarkable opportunity for my family (& me) to live into a clearer vision for our lives, and enable a more individualized education, so each of our kids can have a stronger sense of themselves.

Now that I’m about to bring our third daughter across the country to begin her college program (to join her two older sisters), I can see how absolutely remarkable this homeschool experience has been for so many reasons. But our homeschool story wasn’t a straight arrow to all that, as you can imagine.

For plenty of homeschool years, I tried to make a private school at home (exhausting!)
Though I really wanted the whole homeschool thing to be charmed (hence the website name). I was really looking for perfection, and perfection wasn’t in the cards. Growth was in the cards, but not perfection.

I’ve learned a whole lotta things over my two decades of this mothering life.

Of course, the more time you practice, the more you’ll see what I’ve seen.

This homeschool thing does work. And if you want to do it, you can do it! So if you want homeschool help to reimagine your homeschool, you can do that too!

If these things resonate with you, you might want to consider The Reimagine Your Homeschool Group Coaching Program!

In this group coaching program, you’ll discover:

🌟 The confidence to homeschool with clarity and purpose. 

🎯 The how-to create a realistic and individualized homeschool plan. 

🗺️ Unveiling a vision for your homeschool family and practicing it every day.

You don’t have to homeschool in doubt and uncertainty. You can create a meaningful, customized education for your kids, and I’ll guide you every step of the way!

Join the Reimagine Your Homeschool to:

🌈 Gain clarity and confidence in your homeschooling choices.

📝 Develop a vision, values, and intentions for your homeschooling. 

💡 Embrace your unique homeschooling style and approach. 

📚 Discover a supportive community of like-minded homeschool mamas. 

🚀 Experience transformation and growth in your homeschool journey.

So, if you want homeschool help to reimagine your homeschool, join me!

You can access homeschool help to reimagine your homeschool. And if you WANT to do it with fewer roadblocks and more satisfaction, you CAN.

ps If you have questions, just hit reply and ask away…

I offer a group coaching program (or a self-directed course) to help you address the things that aren’t working as you’d like in your homeschool.

In the Reimagine Your Homeschool group coaching program, we will do this over our 8 weeks together:

1. We’ll know why we’re doing what we’re doing, we can wake up every morning and know it has a purpose, and we can weather our homeschool challenges more fluidly.

2. We’ll create a plan (& a practice) to address our moments of frustration or overwhelm, so we don’t dread the hard homeschool moments. 

3. We’ll have more clarity on what we believe an education is anyway, what the purpose of our home education intentions is, then we won’t flounder when someone shares a new curriculum, routine, method, or criticizes our “way”.

4. We’ll explore unhelpful mindsets from our education and explore the unhelpful mindsets of our culture’s approach to education, so we can release our unrealistic expectations, focus on the kids in front of us, and enable a more child-led education.

Also, know that I’m keeping these groups super small so participants get a customized group coaching experience: because if I’ve learned anything from homeschooling my four kids, customization is key.

5. We will clarify our plans around morning routines, daily routines, homeschool planners, and curriculum choices, so we don’t need to be drawn into yet another idea about homeschooling options. We can just do our thing and live our lives on purpose.

6. We can create a plan to address the challenges of our large-family homeschool experience, our small-family homeschool experience, engage toddlers and teenagers, and address our kids’ big emotions, sibling rivalry, complaining, conflict, and boredom., so we feel we can do this homeschool thing for the long term.

7. We can create a plan with actionable steps to address the challenges of this homeschool life, like dealing with our big emotions, our kids’ big emotions, doubt, overwhelm, and anger, we will feel like we’re mothering our kids more beautifully.

8. By the end of 8 weeks, you’ll be infused with the knowledge that perfection is found in the imperfection, and you’ll be a whole lot more confident and unafraid at declaring your homeschool (& life) choices. 

Can you & I create perfection in your homeschool?


But we can capture a whole lot more of the charms and freedoms of this homeschool lifestyle.

We can work toward releasing you from uncertainties, overwhelm, stress, perfectionism, and dissatisfaction so you can enjoy your homeschool life more (& know that it is benefiting your homeschool kids too).

So final thoughts…

This group coaching program is designed to help you homeschool the way YOU want to homeschool.

It is undergirded to make you feel confident that you’re doing the right thing for your family.

It’s designed to bring you confidence & clarity and bring your homeschool plans more customization.

If you’re a homeschool mom who would like to be supported, encouraged, & challenged to advocate for your homeschool family, join me!

We both know there is no perfect homeschool. And we both know that homeschooling has many challenges. However, we both know you didn’t sign up for the challenges; you signed up for the charms.

If this podcast episode resonates with you, join me!

Are you ready to get started to get homeschool help to reimagine your homeschool life?

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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