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How to Take Care of the Homeschool Mama: Morning Journaling Routine

By far, the most challenging reason to write is to vulnerably reveal your genuine thoughts and feelings on paper. (Maybe someone will see!)

Look back at your written entries a year from now and you might discover you don’t agree with yourself.

However, the value of creating a morning journaling routine has so many benefits!

So, what to include in your homeschool mama morning journaling routine?

What to include in a homeschool mama morning journaling routine?

Anything, everything. Doodle, create bubbles of colours to indicate your emotional atmosphere, and create calligraphed words to create a decorative to-do list.

Or don’t.

But do it primarily because you want to know what you think!

Write out your intentions for the day, write out your emotions, and write out your plans too.

You want to clarify your daily purpose? Write a list.

Do you want to clarify your life purpose?

Write it down, check back on it, work toward it, and you’ll quickly decide whether if it hits what you want.

But if you never write it down, you’ll never have known. We quickly forget what we wake up to do.

Or we don’t, because we flow along in our lives following the wave that takes us along, requiring us to do whatever someone asks us to do, to go with the flow of other’s expectations, of an institution’s expectations, considering little about our own hopes for our brief timeline on this earth.

Write it down: your morning gratitudes, your emotions, your plans. Just write it all down.

Put that journal on your bedside table before the kids notice your eyes are open and discover that you learn a whole lot about YOU when you enact a homeschool mama morning journaling routine.

You’ll figure out who you are, what you think, why you think it, what you want, even how you want to order your day.

Teresa Wiedrick, author of Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurturing the Nurturer

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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