All the Free Homeschool Mama Resources, Just for You!

Download any free homeschool mama resources that might be useful for you:

What are these free homeschool resources for the homeschool mama that might be useful to you?

Take what you need, and leave the rest.

These free homeschool mama resources are designed to help you show up on purpose in your homeschool (& your life).

You’ll find these resources:

Everything from finding your quiet in your homeschool day, encouraging nutrition in your home (& for you), checklists to address your big emotions in your challenging homeschool days, plugging in the most useful earbud companions (podcasts) during those boring moments of laundry and dishes, to living your life on purpose.

May these free homeschool resources be useful for you!

My goal is to help you feel clear, confident & visionary in your homeschool (& your life).

5-Day Wellness Challenge

In less than fifteen minutes a day, maybe even in five, I’m going to help you incorporate the 5 Pillars of Homeschool Mama Wellness that will fuel you all year long.

woman illustrating albert einstein formula: ten lessons for our upcoming homeschool plans

Reimagine your Homeschool Mini-Course

…build your confidence, clarify your intentions, & plan for your real homeschool challenges…

Guide for the 1st Homeschool Year

…because a mama needs a whole lotta guidance in that first year…

girl sitting at table studying on computer: 19 Tips for New Home Learners Tips

Deschool your Homeschool Checklist

Because a homeschool mama who wants more freedom, individualization, and purpose in her homeschool & life…

Reading lists for your “spare time”…

Homeschool Mama Reading List

Because a little research puts a mama’s heart at ease and builds her confidence…

a mother and her daughters reading magazines together: Homeschool Mama Reading List

Homeschool Mama Reading List for Your Relationship

For your significant relationship outside of your kids.

Homeschool Mama Reading List for your Relationship
happy woman with flying hair on river coast: Homeschool Mama Reading List for Personal Growth

Homeschool Mama Reading List for Personal Growth

For her personal growth, because who you ARE is how you show up in your homeschool.

Homeschool Mama Book Club Newsletter

Whether you can make it to the Book Club, or not, learn how authorial influencers can inspire or support your homeschool journey!

person in gray jacket holding white paper: Homeschool Mama Book Club Newsletter

If you’re feeling overwhelmed…

overcoming overwhelm assessment for the homeschool mama

Overcoming Overwhelm Assessment…

…for the homeschool mama who wants to be clear, confident & satisfied, and not overwhelmed.

Grappling with Overwhelm Checklist

…to clarify why you’re overwhelmed and instill strategies to get you out of it.

Use this checklist to check what you’re doing and how you’re doing it to determine if you can homeschool with confidence and satisfaction.

grappling with overwhlem checklist to clarify why the homeschool mama is overwhelmed

If you have relationship challenges…

building boundaries checklist

Building Boundaries Checklist

…for the homeschool mama who wants to get her needs met, address boundary issues, not live defensively, show up on purpose, and be more satisfied.

Building Boundaries Booklist

…for the homeschool mama who wants to incorporate boundary building by self-directed reading.

Build Boundaries for the homeschool mama, a free checklist

If you don’t have a clear plan for your big emotions…

a woman and children sitting on the sofa: big emotions audit for the homeschool mama

Big Emotions Audit for the Homeschool Mama

Because a homeschool mama wants to instill strategies that help nurturer the nurturer, plan for mama’s big emotions, and plan for your kids’ big emotions too…

Dealing with Homeschool Mama’s Big Emotions Checklist

Because a homeschool mama needs to plan for those days…

woman in gray shirt lying on a bed: dealing with homeschool mama's big emotions checklist

pensive woman in gray coat holding book Homeschool Mama's Thought Care Practices

Homeschool Mama’s Thought Care Practices

Because a mama needs a plan and practice to address her thoughts, triggers, and frustrations every day.

If you need more organization or planning…

Homeschool Mama Morning Routine Checklist

…to nurture the nurturer before she gets her day started.

a person mixing a drink in a mug: homeschool mama morning routine checklist

woman cooking with the kids: homeschool mama menu plan

Homeschool Mama Menu Plan

Because a mama needs to make her life easier, yet still feed her kids…

If you need to nurture you

bathtub with candles and flowers

Self-Care Check-In

…realistic practices to include a nurturing routine to nurture the nurturer…

Homeschool Hygge Checklist

Because a mama needs a little cozy in your homeschool…

burning aromatic candle with stone and tree branches on table: Homeschool Hygge Checklist
a notebook with affirmation words: homeschool mama daily affirmations

Homeschool Mama Daily Affirmations

Because you need a morning dose of homeschool mama encouragement…

You Be You Checklist

Because a mama wants a seat at the homeschool table too…

woman in black long sleeved shirt: you be you checklist

living your life on purpose checklist for the homeschool mama

Living Your Life on Purpose Checklist

Because a mama needs to know she’s living her full life throughout her entire homeschool life…

Taking Care of the Working Homeschool Mama

Because you need to take care of yourself, your business, and your homeschool kids…

kids making noise and disturbing mom working at home: Taking Care of the Working Homeschool Mama

If you need a homeschool retreat, you can have a Homeschool Mama Mini-Retreat just for you!

Oh, I’m so excited to offer this to you, a free homeschool mama resource that you need.

We all need a little clarity on how we show up in our homeschools & our lives, so in the retreat, you’ll take a breather and get perspective on your biggest homeschool (& life) challenges.

Homeschool Mama Retreat

Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurturing the Nurturer

Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurture the Nurturer

Because a mama needs encouragement…

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.