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Raising Wildflower Kids: Embrace an Authentic & Customized Homeschool

Nina Palmo is a Nordic-born, Midwestern-raised, Texas denizen. After more than a dozen years in the Austin area, she developed a serious love of breakfast tacos, but still can’t say “y’all” without feeling like an impostor. 

Nina has a Ph.D. in sociology and feels lucky to work in my dream job teaching at a local university.

On the home front, Nina has another dream job of being a mama to two daughters. She spends a lot of time thinking and talking about attachment parenting, alternative education, and intentional living.

Let me introduce you to the Reimagine your Homeschool group coaching program…

In this podcast episode, Nina Palmo, creator of Raising Wildflower Kids & I discuss the philosophy of Raising Wildflower Kids, emphasizing the importance of embracing their unique identities and building upon their strengths.

Nina Palmo challenges the notion of fitting into the homeschool mom stereotype and shares her experiences of drawing inspiration from Finnish early education to shape her homeschool approach.

Raising kids isn’t about trying to change them. It’s about embracing who they are and building on that, seeing who they are and how they can contribute to the world.

Nina Palmo,  College professor 💕 Mom of two
🌿 Outdoor & alternative education enthusiast

Specifically, we discuss…

How to learn more about Raising Wildflower Kids:

Feel free to contact Nina at

Nina’s writing has been featured in Natural Parent MagazineMotherly, Red Tricycle, and Mommy Nearest.

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I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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