Capturing the Charmed Life

How Do I Unschool My Child? Embrace Natural Learning in 5 Ways

How do I unschool my child and just let my kids learn?

And by the way, that’s the reason to talk about unschooling: it helps us let go of the control of our child’s education and just let them learn already.

So how do I unschool my child?

how do I unschool my child

Unschooling: let them learn on their own terms, learn what they want to learn, how they want to learn, and why they want to learn it.

There’s this notion out there, that if you set up a system, organize it, with a lot of people to officiate it, and administer a grade and a class, a lecture, a lesson plan, and an exam, then children will learn (and have received an education.)

(But straight up, there have been two seasons in our homeschool.)

Yes, kids will still learn stuff. In spite of our rigid expectations and approaches, children learn. It’s what they do.

Interested teachers increase the chance of someone wanting to learn. Of getting kids interested. Of engaging. But the motivation to learn is on the kids.

They don’t receive an education, they engage in an education (if they’re invested).

Kids want to learn. Unless they’ve been seriously neglected or abused, children will grow and learn.

Kids aren’t necessarily eager to learn what you want them to learn, when you want them to learn, in the way you want them to learn though.

Occupy their time in meaningful ways, or let them occupy themselves.

ps Did you know there have usually been two seasons in our homeschool: formal studies or unschooling?

How do I unschool my child? Consider what you want them to learn.

You’re their parent, so you get to determine what you want them to learn too.

You don’t have to assume that because the neighbor kids are learning about plate tectonics your kids must be learning that too. But it might be a prompt.

A federal election might compel a discussion on the major political parties. What are the reasons one might vote for different party platforms? This, and other current affairs, often grace our dinner table since my husband passionately engages in discussions in politics, history, and economics.

Me, I like reading. I move through quite a few books for a mama of four. So I read with my kids. I Am Malala, To Set A Watchman and Trevor Noah’s youth memoir were our recent readalouds. I get to share my passion through books.

This is your chance to share your passions with your kiddos.

(Hey, and have you ever wondered How to Encourage Independence in your Homeschool?)

Observe and listen to who your children are.

What are they about? Listen to them. They are developing and coming into their own, but you can take cues from their lives, even as young children.

Do they like earning money? Encourage them to start a lemonade stand. As they get older, they might want to market their baking capabilities. Another might do yardwork for neighbours, or childcare for their mom’s friend.

Is your child crafty?

Observe and listen to who your children are and you will help them learn more about themselves.

How do I unschool my child? Don’t educate out of fear.

There will always be gaps. Imperfect educations. My favourite term for this is ‘lopsided education’. Yup, that.

We’ve all had those gaps. Whether we’re homeschooled or conventionally schooled.

When someone suggests, “I don’t know if you should homeschool, because you might miss something,” they’re probably right. Your kids might not learn something.

After twelve years of academics, are you hoping your kiddo can outwit Google or God?


Then don’t educate in fear.

Because what is an education anyway?

Enjoy the process.

Yes, educating your children is a big responsibility. (Especially daunting when you know people are looking over your shoulder or questioning you directly.)

But your kids were put on this earth for a special purpose.

They are growing up right before your eyes, growing independent and capable, and eventually growing right out of your home. You had these little kids for a reason, so enjoy them while you have them.

And though you discovered parenting was a lot of work (yup, you were right there), you didn’t have them so you could check another box off the list, another makework project, like homeschooling them.

Don’t make home education an unreachable makework project. They already want to learn, they were hardwired for it. So have fun with it.

There! That’s unschooling in a nutshell: not so daunting after all.

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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