Capturing the Charmed Life

How to Create a Simple Homeschool Routine with Kelly Briggs

Kelly Briggs is a homeschooling mom of four on the east coast of Canada. She realized that she needed to simplify her life at home more over the years as her family grew and she couldn’t keep up anymore.

Therefore, Kelly helps busy moms simplify their home lives by sharing simple tips, guides, and a practical course to create a simple homeschool routine. 

Let’s chat with Kelly Briggs about creating a simple homeschool routine.

How to Simplify your Homeschool Life with Kelly Briggs, Creator of SimpleHomeMom

Balance isn’t perfect and caught up with. Balance looks different to everybody, it looks different every day, and sometimes looks different in different moments.

Kelly Briggs, Creator of SimpleHomeMom

Kelly Briggs’s advice for a simple homeschool routine:

How to establish simple homeschool routines:

You can find Kelly Briggs online at:

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