Capturing the Charmed Life

How Brene Brown Can Teach Homeschoolers to Be Confident

Brene Brown informs my homeschool by encouraging us to dare greatly.

How we think about our kids, how we think about ourselves, and how we think about our homeschools influences how we experience our homeschools.

It’s why we need to consider thought self-care strategies. Because we mamas experience overwhelm, frustration, perfectionism, failure, loneliness, the not-good-enough, and a whole bunch of human feelings packaged in the homeschool experience.

So, here’s how Brene Brown informs my homeschool.

Brene Brown can inform my homeschool by encouraging me to Dare Greatly.

We homeschool moms are doing something that requires us to dare greatly. You chose this homeschool thing, so do this homeschool thing your way.

Do it the way you would do it if you knew you weren’t being criticized.

Do it that way.

Because as Brene Brown quotes Theodore Roosevelt…

how Brene Brown informs my homeschool by Daring Greatly

When you’re in the arena, you’re going to get your ass kicked.

This homeschool parenting thing requires a lot of work, a strong spirit, and requires a lot of self-analysis. And it definitely makes us feel like we’ve been ass-kicked on THOSE days.

There ain’t no getting this thing right the first time.

So many possibilities.

Jump into the arena of not being on the beaten path, and you’re going to get your ass kicked.

The most compassionate people are the most boundaried people.

Around our time, around our energy, around the way we want to engage in conflict or gossip, around a whole lotta things.

Should we always allow our kids to interrupt us when we’re doing something, like reading, speaking on the phone, finishing a work project? I don’t think so.

We need to teach our kids that we need separate space at times and make sure they’re learning to honour those separate spaces.

When we provide ourselves with what we need, we are more able to provide our kids with what they need.

Authenticity is a practice & authenticity is required.

If you’re not the real you, you’re not building the real community that you could be part of and that you need. You’re not feeling supported (& we definitely need support as we do this homeschool life).

There’s a conversation piece that sometimes goes like this: “I don’t feel connected to that group/co-op/book club because they’re cliquey”.

I want to call that out.

Are you…

a. assuming you don’t fit in because you’re not bringing your authentic self to that person or group?

b. assuming that other people should come over to chat with you even though you’re not willing to go over to them and introduce yourself and get interested in them as much as you expect them to be interested in you?

We need to expect authenticity of others in our most important relationships too. And we need to offer authenticity to others in our most important relationships too.

This is how we build connection and community.

When we dare greatly, are willing to get our ass-kicked, maintain energy through boundaries, and build authentic community, we build our homeschool confidence.

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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