Capturing the Charmed Life

Deal with Your Homeschool Mom’s Big Emotions: Taming Thoughts

What is the second tool in your Homeschool Mom’s Toolbox for Big Emotions?

We’ll chat about that in Part 2.

get your big emotions homeschool mom checklist

How are we dealing with our homeschool mom’s toolbox to address big emotions, specifically, our thoughts?

When you are dealing with our homeschool mom’s big emotions, we need to assess your thoughts…

Your brain and your thoughts are significantly underrated tools.

A tool that we have to regularly sharpen, but for many years we might not even realize is there.

We can influence our thoughts, and good things because our thoughts define our reality, but we don’t have to have our reality defined by our unhelpful thoughts.

Hmmm…If this notion is new to you, stop for a minute, sit with me for a moment.
Okay, what thoughts are you thinking?

When you do this often enough, you’ll realize there is a presence, an energy, or an awareness that is beyond your thoughts.

The thoughts we think are like clouds in the sky. They come, they go, they’re fluffy and summery, now they’re stormy and windblown, but the clouds in the sky? Never the same.

Same thing with our thoughts.

Do you want to know how to deal with your thoughts?

…Like your thoughts are separate from you…

Incorporate a mindfulness practice into your homeschool.

There is a reason you hear so much about this. It works! You can get separate from your regularly experienced thoughts.

There are three questions I learned from Dr. Amen, author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life:

This is a practice you have to practice regularly to get the most out of it.

Your ultimate goal: get to know yourself and practice being present.

So how are you going to practice this?

You’re going to schedule that mindful moment on your device.

When that timer goes off once or twice a day, take a deep breath and ask yourself:

  1. How do you feel?
  2. What is the thought behind your feelings?
  3. What is the story I’m telling myself behind that thought?
Include a meditation practice in your day.

Say what??? Mindfulness practice AND a meditation practice?

Well, I’ll ask you this:

Wouldn’t it be nice to be distant from your thoughts for just a few minutes a day, to just BE, and to be more present?

This is the practical how-to to doing just that.

Here are a few meditations you can begin with:

Also, just as I think we’re deeply affected by the things we hear others say toward us or about us and most importantly, what we say toward us or about us, that’s why I encourage you to recite a daily affirmation.

So let’s stop for a moment from discussing theory and get into the practical homeschool experience.

How do you respond when…

What are the thoughts you’re thinking?

Is there a story behind that thought?

Dealing with our homeschool mom’s big emotions? Consider an alternative perspective.

Why consider alternative perspectives?

Oh, I dunno, because if we are growing human beings, we can learn that we don’t have everything understood and figured straight off.

Remember before you had a child or a baby: how did you perceive parenting?

I was an RN in the post-partum ward with my list of helpful answers filled with all the stuff a new parent needed as they took home their baby.

Remember before you were long-term partnered or married, did you assume you found the perfect person and that you’d ride off into the sunset and live a fairy tale life, no conflict included?

Remember before you homeschooled, did you think about an education differently, and has your perspective on what an education is anyway expanded over the course of your homeschool months or years?

Our perspectives can shift and expand with our growing understanding.

This is also true with the challenges we face in our homeschool. If there is an alternative perspective, could we work to find it, because it might benefit us and our children?

This is the second tool in your Homeschool Mama’s Big Emotion Toolbox when you are dealing with our homeschool mom’s big emotions.

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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