Capturing the Charmed Life

how to build and create community as a homeschool mom

I came to homeschooling as a different human being than you. (Um, yeah, I know, you’re saying.)

With different struggles, I have different interests, and I’ve lived in different places (I moved nineteens times before I was twenty years old).

I’ve learned that everyone around me has different frameworks in life. They see the world differently.

Others experience family relationships differently than me. They have different educational backgrounds. They chose to have children for different reasons, and a few didn’t have children at all.

So, how to build and create community as a homeschool mom? Be the community you want to see!

how to find homeschool community? be the community first and be authentic to yourself

“I try my hand at being myself.”

Bob Dylan

If we’re all different, it shouldn’t be any wonder that we approach this homeschool lifestyle differently either.

Some are a little more liberal, some more conservative; some more regimented, and some more carefree; some prefer textbooks, some prefer historical fiction, and some listen to audiobooks.

We’re different. Surprise!

We already knew we were. So uniformity doesn’t need to be an unfulfilled expectation in our homeschool communities.

When we listen and we speak from our hearts, we learn from one another. We might hear a gem of help from unexpected places and have our path move in a more peaceful, freeing, and useful direction (for us and our homeschool kids).

Then we begin to build and create a homeschool community.

That’s the beauty of being open to knowing (and being known) by others.

There are always gifts to be received in the nuggets of wisdom that others share when we’re open to hearing them.

And there is a wealth of experience we can tap into when it’s not just coming from our story.

So I’ll try my hand at being myself and being myself only.

But I want to try being myself in community.

How to build and create community as a homeschool mom? Join the Patreon Support Group.

Meet Erica Kesilman:

Erica can be found at:

Meet Jennifer Bryant:

Jennifer can be found at:

Meet Pat Fenner:

Pat can be found at:

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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