Capturing the Charmed Life

A Homeschool Mom Podcast for the Homeschool Mom

Learn real mindset strategies & perspective shifts for your real homeschool mama life in the Homeschool Mama Self-Care Podcast.

This homeschool mom podcast explores aspects of wellness that will serve the homeschool mama in her real homeschool days.

This is the homeschool mom podcast where we won’t overlook your needs (you might, but we won’t).

Homeschool mama’s needs are easily overlooked with a steady stream of childhood needs, interpersonal interactions, and activities.

This homeschool podcast addresses the not-good-enough feeling, perfectionism, loneliness, anger, doubt, boredom, impatience, overwhelm, and all the feelings of the human experience.

You know, all the human feels.

Therefore, all the human feels in a homeschool mama experience.

So you can show up in your homeschool (& life) authentically, purposefully, and confidently.

Teresa helps you shed what’s not working & helps you instill strategies while shifting your perspective so you can show up in your life & your homeschool authentically, purposefully, and confidently.

Dear Homeschool Mama,

I offer you homeschool life coaching if you’d like to shed what’s not working so you can show up in your homeschool (& life) authentically, purposefully, and confidently.
Almost always, building boundaries in relationships, learning to speak to yourself differently, identifying and responding to your needs, and understanding your intentions behind your homeschool clarifies why you’ve been doing what you’re doing.

And when you get clear on what you’re doing, you get a whole lot clearer on who you are.

When you’re clear on who you are, watch out world! You have come to your purpose.

Then you’ll show up in your homeschool (& life) authentically, purposefully, and confidently.

Let’s work together!

Teresa, your Homeschool Life Coach

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You’ll be introduced to homeschool mamas that will bring you perspective. You’ll also get to decide on a practical plan to address your big emotions & your specific purpose in the world.

“I really enjoy listening to this podcast because it makes me feel not so alone in my deep thinking about raising kids, maybe not the way “everyone else” is. You’ll like this podcast if you want to raise independent thinkers, but also remember that you as a parent are still growing too.”

Anne Kathryn

Teresa hits the nail on the head! She takes scientific and experiential truths and shows the WHY and HOW homeschool moms can see growth in ourselves. Self-work is a must have for homeschool moms if we are to thrive in this marathon. Teresa brings that to the forefront in such an approachable way.”

Sensational Moms

Teresa is engaging, honest, and to the point. She comes across as genuinely wanting to connect with her listeners. I look forward to hearing the next episode!

Tatiana, Homeschool Mama

The first rule of life saving is…never become a victim yourself. As parents, we’re only as helpful to our kids as we are healthy. Teresa does an amazing job of keeping this front and center and helping parents care for themselves!!

Homeschool Dad

Teresa is a pleasure to listen to and learn from as a new homeschooler. Her interviews go in interesting directions and always get me thinking. A must listen for anyone wanting to build their confidence as an authentic and simple homeschooling mom!

Merissa, Homeschool Mama of Three Kiddos

“Your podcast is excellent.  I started with the first episode and am just listening to each one in order that’s interesting to me.  The one with Julie Bogart was terrific, I bought a sketchbook and pencils and a “how to draw” book just like her.”

Carla, Homeschool Mama of One Kiddo

“This is such a valuable and important topic for all moms especially those who are homeschooling. Thank you for the variety of guests you have on and for caring so much about others moms.”


“I love how soothing your voice is. It’s so reassuring how much I can relate to your stories. This helps me a lot. I know I could work on self care more. Thanks for this episode”

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Helping you turn your homeschool challenges into your homeschool charms.

Copyright Teresa Wiedrick 2021©

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