Capturing the Charmed Life

Join the Homeschool Mama Retreat: Refresh, Renew, and Reimagine

This homeschool retreat will help you be more present in your homeschool, be clear that what you’re doing is really working for you & your kids, and be confident that what you’re doing is beyond good enough, rather it’s even amazing.

Together we’ll determine what you need and uncover actionable tools to take care of you.

So, you can nurture yourself while you nurture your homeschooled kids too.

So join the Homeschool Retreat for Moms who need to refresh.

Spending time with herself as a homeschool mama, finding a little homeschool mama retreat

Somewhere in my third-year homeschooling, I was done.

In my heart, I was mouthing the words “help me” as the school bus drove by.

I found myself reacting to kids’ squabbles or perpetually irritated that a child wouldn’t show interest in her studies, by saying, “If you don’t…then you’re getting on that bus Monday morning.”

I knew I didn’t actually want to research the local school’s telephone number, but I definitely didn’t know what else to do.

But I was done.
Until I watched a Brene Brown TedX Talk: I realized I didn’t even factor ME into my life. What did I need?
I learned I had to take care of ME to take care of my kids.

Alongside planning for your homeschool, you need to plan for YOU too.

Whether you’ve been homeschooling for one month or twenty-five years, you need to routinely address how you’re taking care of yourself and address your big emotions, like doubt, overwhelm, not-good-enough, or frustration.

You’re not going to show up perfectly, authentically, ideally, exactly as you want to all the days of your life.

That’s not a thing.

You’re a human being with human needs, human feelings, and human challenges.

At the same time, you are growing and you want to do right by your homeschooled kids and you want to show up with them in a way that really will benefit them.

That’s likely part of the reason you began homeschooling.

In this homeschool mama retreat, we’ll create an action plan for you to take care of yourself.

We’ve been taking care of our kids’ educations, their interests, their extracurriculars, their social life, their homes, their everything, and now it’s time to learn to take care of you too.

In this retreat, you will be supported, encouraged, and challenged to advocate for yourself!

It’s officially spring and everything is in a state of renewal. Including ourselves.

Would you say you’re in a state of renewal in this part of your life?

Despite the beautiful busyness and meaningful activity that is our homeschool family lives, we want another cup of coffee before the kids wake (just to think), to bask in the early morning light (just to be quiet), and to relish in the snow melting, earth defrosting, and seeds sprouting (as we consider what’s next in our lives).

I had the (unusual) privilege of retreating with my husband this weekend. To a nearby cottage in the mountains: with natural hot springs, prepared meals, and no cellular (& no kids, but you probably assumed that).

The mere act of coming away for that short period was refreshing and clarifying.

I have been sharing about the Homeschool Mama Virtual Retreat on socials and here in your inbox, and I’ve been able to do the very same thing myself (I even painted my toenails!)

I want you to get away, take a breather, and dig deep into the things that matter to you too.

To help you rejuvenate, renew, reenvision, reimagine, and reevaluate YOU.

So do you need a homeschool retreat? So, you can nurture yourself while you nurture your homeschooled kids too.

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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