How to Incorporate the Happy Homeschool Hygge, Twenty Easy-to-Adopt Practices

There’s nothing like a homeschool autumn day to entice me with a few cozy blankets on the sofa, burnt orange candles lit, the fireplace blazing toasty, and a classical piece playing on Spotify: homeschool hygge!

The first day of frost arrived last week. Our puppy’s water froze. The chickens hesitated to leave the coop. I hesitated walking the puppy in the morning. Snow flurries replaced the blue sky.

How to enjoy this cold, grey, dark season? Incorporate homeschool hygge!

How can we do the homeschool hygge?

Homeschool hygge. Those two words go together like synonyms. And those two synonyms speak cozy all over. Yum.

What does hygge even mean?

A quality of coziness, defined by Merriam-Webster, that makes a person feel content and comfortable.

See what I mean? Homeschool and hygge, synonyms.


Here are my top twenty homeschool hygge practices.

1. Kitty cats.

Even if it’s a hamster, cuddly furry things help kids focus when they’re doing their prescribed study activities: kitties in the kids’ bedrooms with math is a happy homeschool hygge practice.

2. Tea.

A common homeschool beverage especially with poetry teatime and afternoon readalouds. But in the fall and winter, tea is a must. Unless it’s morning, then I would drink coffee. (My kids would add cookies too.)

3. Candles.

Lots and lots of candles. It’s just cozy. Last week was World Candlelighting Day. (Yup, there is a day for that and many other odd things). Candles always add cozy to dark mornings and morning baskets.

4. Fire and candles.

Nothing says cozy like a warming fire, workbooks, textbooks, pencils, and erasers in front of the fireplace.

5. PJs.

Does it need to be said that pajamas scream homeschool hygge? But what homeschool family isn’t already using this practice?

6. Morning skincare routine.

Perhaps you’ve been doing this for a coon’s age. I’m shamefully, relatively new to this skincare thing. Just. In. Time. for my 45 birthday. (Good thing I have teenage girls.)

7. Chocolate and wine.

Two ounces of dark chocolate after dinner with a glass of wine and a good book. Might I suggest Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurturing the Nurturer?

8. Morning cuddles with books and blankies.

Afternoon cuddles with books and blankies. Evening cuddles with books, teddies, and cute kids. Yeah, so the trend: lots of cuddles, lots of blankies, and lots of books. (And yes, I have a blankie too).


9. Neighbourhood walks.

In the autumn morning frost or walks in the golden afternoon sun and crisp leaves: lots of walks, nature therapy, so I want to go inside and start a fire, grab a book, a cup of tea, and my blankie: whatever works to take care of you!

10. Afternoon skis on the canal in winter flurries.

With the eager puppy, also white as snow. Living in a picture-perfect moment, breathing in the great outdoors, getting your exercise and endorphins.

11. Documentaries.

Watching documentaries in the afternoon. Curiosity Stream, Knowledge Network, and CBC Canada are our present favourites.

12. Hot food.

Freshly baked bread and savory soup for lunch.

13. Fast food.

Crockpot creations warming on the counter make dinner plans less complicated. 

14. Spotify warming the sound waves.

We build our own playlists for morning studies (classical), afternoon reading (movie soundtracks), or Friday night dance party (our favourite songs).

15. A hot tub dip at the end of the day.

(And because we don’t have that wood-burning hot tub yet, I’ll also take a hot bath.)

Zach in the hot tub

16. Sleeping in.

A total advantage to homeschooling. (I am not a master of sleeping in. Unless you think 7 am is sleeping in.)

17. Coffee.

Coffee belongs to every season, every single morning. Pumpkin spice latte for fall. Peppermint chocolate for winter. Two cappuccinos for dark days. A single cappuccino with toast & homemade apricot jam for summer.

18. Choose your schedule.

Finish writing and math studies by lunch. And read read read the afternoon away.


19. Choose one subject a week and enjoy it thoroughly.

You don’t have to do everything just like a school. Cause you’re educating your kids at home. And that means you can do whatever you want to do.

So spice it up and choose a subject a week and engage only that one.

20. Delete a subject.

Or write on a slip of paper every subject, throw it in a jar, and let the kids pick one out and not do that subject that week. (Definitely homeschool hygge for the kids.)

Bring on the grey days, the dark afternoons, and the cool mornings so I can hibernate in my homeschool hygge practices!

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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