Homeschool Help for the Homeschool Mama

Dear homeschool mama, I want you to find homeschool help, but I want more for you than just help.

I want you to live with freedom, authenticity, and satisfaction in your homeschool days.

I have discovered that under the challenges we have in our homeschool, almost always there is a challenge underlying that you can solve.

But it’s not usually a homeschool issue.

Homeschool help for homeschool moms…

Funny enough (not-so-funny actually), it is usually an issue of the mind: perspective, framing, and understanding.

So can we get to the heart of almost every homeschool challenge?

Most of the time.

And it starts with you, homeschool mama!

Book a conversation with me to create a plan to address it, connect with me.

So this is what I offer you homeschool mama,

I offer homeschool life coaching, which means I work with (mostly) women who are looking to shed what’s not working so they can show up in their homeschool (& life) authentically, purposefully, and confidently.

I’ve noticed that we homeschool mamas can transform from being overwhelmed to getting clear on what our challenges are and having a plan of attack (or plan of practice).

Almost always, building boundaries in our relationships, learning to engage ourselves differently, and understanding our intention behind our homeschool clarifies why we’re doing what we’re doing.

Then when we get clear on what we’re doing, we get a whole lot clearer on who we are.

When we’re clear on who we are, watch out world! We have come to our purpose here on Earth.

Therefore, we are showing up in our homeschools (& lives) authentically, purposefully, and confidently.

If you want greater purpose, clarity, and authenticity in your life, connect with me.

Teresa, your Homeschool Life Coach

You can find homeschool help for the homeschool mama in these offerings: journaling workbooks, books, courses, and coaching available.

I help you shed what’s not working so you can show up in your homeschool (& life) authentically, purposefully, and confidently.

Teresa Wiedrick, Homeschool Life Coach

Read the blog here…