Encouraging Words for Homeschool Mom

Dear Homeschool Mama, Once upon a time, you likely told yourself you have one of the best jobs in the world.

You took on this job, and no one expected you to.

It’s a challenge to build your needs, your wants, and your personality into your homeschool world, but it can be done, and it will be done as you continue moving forward, instilling habits, and practices that take care of you too.

Here is a love letter to you, encouraging words for homeschool mom…

encouraging words for homeschool moms

You get to watch your kids grow up right before your eyes.

You get to watch them learn chess moves at three and win chess games with their dad at eight.

And you get to see their vivacious, animated personality create a successful YouTube channel.

You get to watch their fascination with dolphins turn into online biology classes.

And you get to observe their people-watching passions turn into a social sciences degree. You get to watch their history reading preoccupation history reading turn into a Greek and Latin History minor.

Turns out, you get to see them develop their interests as they grow into adulthood.  

encouraging words for homeschool mom with Teresa Wiedrick's book, Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurturing the Nurturer

It’s not just your kids that get to develop their interests: you get to develop your interests too. 

If you’re interested in Greek mythology, you can buy a book, read the book with your kids, take courses online, build Greek columns from sugar cubes, wrap yourself in white sheets, make a crown of grape leaves, and have your kids feed you grapes, olives, and wine on the living room floor, and call that Social Studies.

You get to dabble in your interests, just like you encourage your kids to dabble in theirs.

There’s even an opportunity for you to start home businesses, start Etsy shops, create a work-life around your homeschool, or a homeschool around your work life.  

You get to do the homeschool hygge. 

Isn’t it funny how outsiders think we’re tethered to all things uncomfortable; meanwhile, our homeschools slowly, but steadily move toward all things hygge?

  • Do they not know we can choose to let the kids sleep in if they want?
  • And do they know we don’t feel pressured toward cultural trends, nor do we even know about them a lot of the time?
  • Do they not know we get to move at the flow of our family and we influence the flow of our family to fit our needs too?
  • We get chocolate chip cookies with math workbooks, family room fires with afternoon reading, tea and essential oils throughout school days, and candlelight, just because.  

Homeschool Self-Care Checklist: encouraging words for homeschool mama

Mama, has anyone told you that you have one of the best jobs in the world?  

Homeschooling can be a challenge to maintaining mama’s self-care, but the homeschool lifestyle can also be a charmed life that encourages mama’s self-care. 

It’s a challenge to build your needs, your wants, and your personality into your homeschool world, but it can be done, and it will be done as you continue moving forward, instilling habits, and practices that take care of you too.

So, let’s keep working towards turning our challenges into our charms.

I wish you and your family health and happiness as you learn to thrive, not just survive. 



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Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3470-call-to-adventure
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/