Incorporate your Interests in your Homeschool with Kimberly Charron

Kimberly Charron is a busy, creative, homeschooling, geek mom of two, who believes in out-of-the-box thinking and doing what you love.

She has been serving the homeschooling community by providing homeschool information and coaching at since 2008.

Since Kimberly especially loves to share her family’s Geek Schooling adventures, she started, dedicated to ending your frustrations with your obsessed, geeky child and helping you enjoy easy, delight-directed learning with them, centered on their passions and fandoms. 

Let’s chat with Kimberly Charron, a Certified Online Business Manager, who works with coaches, consultants, and authors. In her free time, she likes to perform and direct local theatre, hand spin, knit, and read.

Kimberly Charron incorporating homeschool mama interests in our homeschools: how to homeschool in nova scotia

Sometimes you need to think about self-care in a different way, because sometimes you can’t get the alone self-care the way you’re typically thinking about it, like sharing your interests with your children.

Kimberly Charron

Kimberly’s advice for the homeschool mama:

  • Include your interests in your homeschool.
  • You can declare a quiet time in the afternoon and you can have quiet time too.
  • You can incorporate self-care in your homeschool.
  • You can take the kids out to lunch with you and take a book.
  • As your kids get older, it gets easier for short periods of time. When they continue to get older, you’ll get longer periods of time.

You can find Kimberly Charron online at:

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