an introduction to our simple homeschool room

Our simple homeschool room is butter yellow with a great big red industrial light smack dab in the middle of the room. There’s a desk on the side for moi and a slide-out drawer for the oft-used printer (love love love having the printer beside me).

Can we say…

  • Latin pop quizzes?
  • Online printables?
  • And the stuff I print during morning studies cause I forgot yesterday?

Our simple homeschool room has a gigantic doored closet with cupboards with science encyclopedias, a microscope, history books, math manipulatives, crafting material, and language resources that I have collected in my eleven-year-old library.

I have many books, despite purging many at every move. There’s an electrical plug at the bottom of this cupboard where a pencil sharpener and CD player are ready to go. 

our simple homeschool room

This simple homeschool room has butter yellow and isn’t just brightening the walls, because the morning to afternoon sun is beaming through the windows. In the splash of morning sunlight, I feel energized to get going. One of my girl’s friends says that yellow stimulates brainpower, so I’ll take it.

It’s a warm alternative to the rest of the house. And it’s pretty clear on entering our home that I prefer the colour blue.

Blue is the fluidity of water. Blue is calm, cool, easy. Most importantly, blue is borrowed from the impressionist watercolour: Monet. 

That would be why I’ve named our home Giverny of the Mountains.


One window faces northeast, providing morning sun and a view of the natural pond only a half dozen feet from the house.

My desk window faces southwest, framing the front verandah where Violet, the Great Pyrenes naps — at the end of the verandah, the walk down to the river, the neighbouring island.

There’s a view of our fenced vegetable garden with busy birdfeeders –squirrels, flitting black-capped chickadees, and Northern flicker competing for sunflower seeds, while the hens peck at the base.

The south-facing windows open to the driveway, the towering coniferous Kootenay mountains, and most of the day’s sun.

my homeschool desk where I record what we've done in the project-based season

Our simple homeschool room has three wood bookshelves that house our favourite storybooks:
But do you even need a simple homeschool room? I answer that question here.

Because here’s the truth about the homeschool room.

One of a few bookshelves in our simple homeschool room.

It’s nine o’clock! Time to start studies…

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.