6 Challenges Every Struggling Homeschool Mom Faces — and How to Transform Them

If you’re a struggling homeschool mom, this is for you. Did your last homeschool year end on a satisfied or an unpleasant note? 

Or if you just closed the door on your homeschool space, trying to put the frustrations behind you, and shifted instead to planning next year, I get you.

I know I did that for more than a few years.

This is my story as a struggling homeschool mom…

free mini-course to Reimagine your Homeschool Life for the struggling homeschool mom

I was optimistic as I drove to Target (or Walmart) for my first day of homeschool supplies. Purchasing a new box of smelly markers, pencils, and notebooks and expected they would put me in a positive, optimistic space. 

And they did!

I’d come home to scour homeschool resource websites or Facebook groups to find the next perfect resource, science experiment box, book, curriculum, or you-fill-in-the-blank.

This year will be different, I’d declare!  The summer break didn’t just get me vitamin D. It got me enthusiasm too.

A little bit of sun and a break from routine is always good, then add new resources, a fresh box of pencil crayons (even though I already owned 6,564), and we were rip-roaring ready to go.  

I love that September energy every year. 

You too? 

But I’ve learned that September lasts, well, for September, and then challenges arise by October, and the enthusiasm tends to wane by November. What all the summer fun and planning enthusiasm don’t circumvent is the frustrations we had last year. 

My previous year’s frustrations weren’t magically transformed by a box of Smarties, a new pencil case, and a few new readalouds (although that definitely did work for the first day;)

Give it enough time and I felt like we were in a scene from Groundhog Day (even though it wasn’t February, it was November). 

Back to being a struggling homeschool mom…

So if you relate and you don’t want to repeat last year: feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or uncertain about various elements of your homeschool journey, you’re not alone!

And you don’t have to IF you do something about your struggles.

I’ve got something special for you: the Reimagine Your Homeschool mini-course. This free mini-course is for homeschool moms who want to transform their journey toward confidence, connection, and deeper satisfaction.

This mini-course is designed to help you homeschool the way you want to, with clarity and confidence. Not feeling like you’re trying to carve out a path in unknown territory and discover you’re on the wrong path, again!

You can paint a new picture for your homeschool story.

Reimagine your Homeschool: Beyond a Struggling Homeschool Mom Experience

So find your groove and create a meaningful home education for you & your kids —and know for sure that what you’re doing is enough.

You’ll know this free Reimagine your Homeschool Mini-Course is for you if…

  • you’ve been struggling with anger, stress, or feeling overwhelmed
  • reassure to create the “perfect” homeschool experience with high academic achievement and a harmonious household
  • or you’re unsure how to relate to each of your kids
  • dealing with feelings of isolation or loneliness as a homeschool mom
  • there’s too much bickering (with the kids or with your partner)
  • you’re not able to make your routine work for you
  • struggling to balance being a mom, teacher, and individual with their own goals and dreams.
  • doubts about educating your kids effectively
  • putting everyone else’s needs above their own, leading to exhaustion
  • constantly feeling the need to defend their choice to homeschool
  • overwhelmed by the sheer volume of materials, supplies, and messes
  • balancing the needs of multiple children with differing developmental or academic needs
  • difficulty in establishing and maintaining consistent schedules that work for the entire family
  • constant bickering or competition between children disrupting the flow of the day
  • feeling emotionally and physically drained from juggling homeschooling, household responsibilities, and personal needs

    If any of this resonates, this free mini-course is for you!

I can help you create a homeschool experience that’s more fulfilling for both you and your kids.

Listen to this video below if you’ve been struggling.

You don’t need to be a struggling homeschool mom this year…

Then enroll in the free mini-course to take your first steps toward a more confident, clear, and connected homeschool journey.

Renee is a homeschool mama of 4 who experienced that as she worked with me: 

“The time with Teresa was super helpful. Teresa helped me see the roots behind the surface-level issues. It was the impetus to help me think more deeply about my homeschool and relational ‘whys’ to get to a place to see where change needed to be made. Teresa’s kindness and compassion gave me a safe place to speak my heart and her responses helped me feel empowered for this next chapter in our homeschool journey and the evolving chapter of the relationships with our teen and young adult children. Now I have infinitely better boundaries with our teenage daughter and I no longer feel like our relationship hangs by a thin thread. I feel much more motivated in my homeschool days and have made some major shifts that have restored the joy in our homeschool. Also, I’m also learning to lean into the new season with older children and embrace the joy found in the present, rather than pining for the past.” 

Renee, Homeschool Mama of 4

This homeschool mama’s experience can be yours too! You don’t have to struggle anymore.

So grab the Reimagine your Homeschool mini-course and begin your journey to reimagine a new homeschool story. 

You got this girlfriend!


Teresa, your Homeschool Life Coach

ps And if you’re ready to get straight into addressing those challenges, creating an ACTION plan to address them, and having an accountability partner to come alongside to help you implement those intentions, book a conversation with me today.

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.