10 Declutter Tips for Homeschool Moms with Simple by Emmy

Emily McDermott helps moms declutter their homes, heads, and hearts.

Emily is an Air Force wife and stay-at-home mom to two young boys. She writes about minimalism, intentional living, simple living, and habits at her blog Simple by Emmy.

In 2014, Emily discovered minimalism. Living with less has helped her to discover her “why” and remove what no longer serves her in her home, her calendar, and her head.

So let’s chat declutter tips for homeschool moms with Emily from Simple by Emmy so we can declutter our homes, heads, and hearts too.

declutter tips for homeschool moms with Simple by Emmy podcaster, Emily McDermott

If you haven’t figured this out, you’re definitely not alone. Recognize that the small steps count to decluttering your head, your home, your heart.

Emily McDermott, Simple by Emmy Podcast & Minimalism Coach

In this episode, you’ll discover these declutter tips for homeschool moms:

  • Emily advises asking yourself what matters most.
  • Setting artificial boundaries in the home using the container concept.
  • Consider your values, boundaries, and capacity for decision-making.
  • Simplifying not just physical space but also your schedules and activities.
  • Emily shares her personal experience of simplifying and decluttering.
  • The discussion includes the importance of managing overwhelm in mom’s lives.
  • Emily mentions the quote about a full dishwasher and overflowing closet, emphasizing the need to reassess priorities.
  • Decluttering and learning to let go of the things we don’t really use is a declutter tip for homeschool moms.
  • Create a simple menu plan.
Emily from Simple by Emmy podcast encourages homeschool parents:
  • Start with understanding what matters most to you.
  • Don’t fill your home just because you have space; consider what you can realistically manage.
  • Streamline choices to reduce decision fatigue.
  • Flex your decision-making muscles by starting with small, less sentimental items.
  • Begin with 10-15 minute decluttering sessions.
  • Reduce the volume of possessions to naturally organize and simplify. For example, include having one water bottle and one pair of sneakers for each child.
  • Establish natural times in your day for resetting areas, like after the kids go to school or before starting work.
  • Acknowledge that it’s okay if certain areas are not perfect all the time.
  • Recognize when overwhelm is present and take steps to address it.

Check out my recent Instagram posts on cleaning your floor twice a day here.

Finally, you can find Emily & her Simple by Emmy resources at:
Wanna work with me to kick overwhelm to the curb, mama?

Sign up for Emily’s weekly Decluttering Tips and Resources for Overwhelmed Moms Newsletter.

Get more personalized support with in-person or virtual decluttering coaching! 

Leave your Declutter tip for other homeschool moms who can’t find…scissors, socks, their kids other shoe in the comment section below….

And check out my non-staged messy kitchen (case you need to see someone else’s beyond your own:)

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I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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