Homeschool Resources for Parents that Help YOU!

Hi there! I offer homeschool resources for parents who want more individualization, authenticity, confidence, and purpose in their homeschool & mom lives.

You see homeschool resources for kids, but do you see homeschool resources for parents?

I understand the immense dedication and love you pour into your homeschool life (as my youngest heads into high school and all three of my girls are in their post-secondary years, I see how very important this journey has been).

Of course, I know it from experience, and I see it in the experiences of other homeschool moms, that we have to be intentional about nurturing ourselves!

However, nurturing ourselves doesn’t come by mamas naturally. We sometimes put ourselves on our to-do list but we are usually LAST on the list. (And in some years or seasons of mothering, we never work our way to the bottom of the list).

I know there will be moments when you will face big emotions, moments of overwhelm, and the need to establish boundaries in relationships for a more present life. (And let’s not forget the necessary process of deschooling).

I’ve created Self-Coaching Journaling Workbooks specifically crafted for homeschool mamas like you!

These journaling workbooks are your companion as you tackle your challenges, cultivate personal growth, and create a thriving homeschool environment that reflects what you really want.

Journaling is my secret ingredient that has brought immense transformation to my homeschool journey!

It’s more than just putting pen to paper; it’s an intimate act of self-care and reflection that enriches your life and the lives of your children.

Through journaling, you can:

  1. Embrace all your emotions: Create a safe space to explore and embrace your feelings, fostering emotional well-being and harmony in your home.
  2. Nurturing the nurturer: As you share your thoughts and experiences on paper, you build a deeper connection within yourself and heal your inner wounds.
  3. Unlock your authenticity: Journaling allows you to uncover your true self, guiding you to align your homeschool approach with your unique values and passions.
  4. Inspire personal growth: Celebrate your wins, learn from your challenges, and grow on your homeschool journey, becoming the best version of yourself.
You deserve homeschool resources for parents who nurture and uplift you: and taking care of yourself is the foundation of providing a loving and enriching inner life for your kids & for you.

So, I invite you to begin journaling! 

Explore the Self-Coaching Journaling Workbooks, designed to support you on this growth path. 

ps Check out the Journaling Workbooks designed for you and access the 10% NOT BACK TO SCHOOL coupon!

Teresa, the Homeschool Life Coach, helps homeschool mamas address their big emotions, build boundaries, deschool their mindsets, and build into themselves so they can homeschool authentically, confidently, and on purpose.

“Teresa has been of tremendous value towards my growth in homeschooling and self-care. She is encouraging and supportive of all that I long to pursue. I’m so grateful that I have her to walk alongside me in this journey.”

Holly, Homeschool Mama of 2
Holly @havenwords, a homeschool mom who has used homeschool resources for parents through the Homeschool Life Coach
Toolbox for Homeschool Mama's Big Emotions...a self-coaching workbook for homeschool mama's resources

Big Emotions Journaling Workbook


Using this journaling notebook helps you address YOUR big emotions in your homeschool. (A useful homeschool mama resource, wouldn’t you say?)

What’s inside the journaling workbook?

These journal questions can aid in your self-exploration, so get curious about what you’re feeling, how you’re taking care of yourself, and what your thought patterns are during your homeschool days.

Teresa Wiedrick, Homeschool Life Coach

Read the book “Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurturing the Nurturer”

Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurturing the Nurturer by Teresa Wiedrick: one of the Homeschool Resources for Parents

So what are homeschool mamas are saying…

“Clearly, Teresa writes from years of valuable experience, and so generously shares them with new homeschool momma for their benefit. If you’re trying to figure out how to get started taking the stress out of your homeschool day, the section where she shares her own story of overwhelm is pure gold! You’ll find solid, experience-tested examples from her own life on creating an environment that is conducive to real education. Also, take note of the authors she recommends as her influencers. If you have to pick a section to start somewhere, there it is!”

~ Pat Fenner,

“My homeschooling journey has included a growing pile of books that I have read, browsed, or barely got past the first chapter. This book is just delightful and a gem! It’s not only helpful and inspiring but also funny. The author is like that no-nonsense brave friend who is looking out for you and your well-being as a homeschooling mama. We all need that friend and I am taking my time as I work my way through the chapters and enjoying it all. I love the section on overcoming overwhelm, grappling with perfectionism, and minding and working through our emotions. This book is worth its weight in gold. Find a quiet place to read, bring a warm cup of tea, and enjoy!”

~Sonia, Homeschool Mama in S. Jersey

And other homeschool mamas say this…

“I was just reading through the chapter in this book last night about anger and failure. Whewww, like you’re speaking right to me. Thank you for being so honest about those things. Every night I can’t wait to jump back into your book. Thank you for authentically sharing the moments and feelings we all experience, but rarely go into detail about.”

~ Bacci

Thank you for what you do. I find your materials soo helpful. I started using some of the affirmations this past week. They are very powerful. Tears came to my eyes reading some of them for the first time.

Carla, Homeschool Mama to One
the Grappling with Overwhelm Journaling Workbook to help homeschool mama address overwhelm in her homeschool. Now isn't that a homeschool resource for parents?

Grappling with Overwhelm Journaling Workbook


A journaling workbook to help you address overwhelm in your homeschool.

What’s inside the journaling workbook?

Journal questions can aid in your self-exploration, to get curious about what your reasons for overwhelm might be. This is a homeschool mama resource that can be a self-coaching tool to help you discover the barriers getting in the way of your homeschool life so you can show up on purpose in your homeschool and have homeschool satisfaction.

 “I knew I had boundary issues, I just wasn’t clear on when, why or how that began, and Teresa really held space to help me explore that. She listens deeply and asks the most poignant, reflective questions. She is definitely a gifted space holder and quite unique in a way I’ve only experienced with a handful of people in my life. It’s been integral to unearth these insights and remember them when I am in the middle of a sort of boundary crisis or a situation that has the potential to cross my boundaries in a very unhealthy way. It anchors me and supports me in responding rather than immediately and unconsciously reacting.” 

Britt, Homeschool Mama of 3

Let’s face it. Homeschooling is hard. And amazing. There is elation and devastation – all in the course of an average day. Teresa comes alongside to help you navigate your relationship to homeschooling. Not to fix you, but to sufficiently assist you in detaching your identify from the activity so that, in fact, homeschooling is elevated to new heights.

Why homeschool coaching? Teresa helps you poke through your assumptions and inner narrative to help you parent and educate gently – not only for your children, but for yourself. She matches your pace to co-create sustaining practices for life and the long haul.

Diane Down, Homeschool Mama of 3 & Life Coach at Signature Coaching
Reimagine your Homeschool Workbook a homeschool resource for parents

Reimagine your Homeschool Workbook


Before you put everything away, let’s assess your past homeschool year (& use that as a brainstorming tool to imagine your upcoming homeschool year). Here is a tool to do just that! These journal questions can aid in greater satisfaction in your upcoming homeschool.

In the Reimagine your Homeschool Workbook, you’ll assess…
  • your past year’s activities with your homeschool vision
  • your homeschool curriculum/resources
  • your homeschool routine
  • kindergarten entry ideas
  • high school entry ideas
  • your homeschool philosophy
  • your homeschool challenges & create an attack plan
  • your intention and how you show up on purpose in your homeschool (& life)
These journal questions can aid in greater satisfaction in your upcoming homeschool.

“Parents take on homeschooling with gusto, but often find themselves burning out in the first year by trying to do too much and being the ultimate educator. Teresa takes on the topic with a book overflowing with ideas to make a parents and child’s day go smoother. Letting go of unrealistic expectations and the school model of education goes a long way in acquiring serenity in home education. Understanding how the uniqueness of home education unfolds and why children never stop learning, no matter how much teaching is done, is key to success. Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurturing the Nurturer, with a cup of tea, is essential for all new-to-homeschooling parents and guardians.”

~Professional Parenting Canada

Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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