Homeschool with Purpose: Unlock Individuality, Values & Priorities for Success

Listen to the Mother’s Day Instagram LIVE with Aimee & me as we discuss what we can do to plan for our upcoming homeschool year so we can homeschool with purpose.

Aimee Otto is married to her high school sweetheart, Nick. Together, they homeschool their two children, ages 9 and 11. When Aimee’s not homeschooling, she loves reading, walking, and being in nature.

She leads the Homeschool Compass community where she encourages families to step off the mainstream path and embrace the freedom and flexibility in their homeschools.

Consider your core values when you’re homeschooling…

On this podcast episode, Aimee Otto & I discuss what she’s learned this past homeschool year, about her kids and herself, and how to homeschool with purpose.

You get to have a seat at the homeschool table too.

Aimee Otto, Host at the Homeschool Copass Podcast

Specifically, we discuss…

  • that we recognize that our homeschool plans need to serve us and our homeschool kiddos
  • the gradual learning that our children are very different & that we need to engage them as such
  • we need to get quiet, by ourselves, pray, reflect, and consider what is most important for the homeschool year
  • that aligning our values with our practical homeschool activities is a necessity so we must first determine what those values are)
  • and that prioritizing the most important things in our homeschool is required because time is moving quickly as our children continue to grow up

How to learn more about Aimee:

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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