Master Boundaries to Become a Confident Homeschool Mom

Why does a homeschool mama want to build boundaries? To become a confident homeschool mom.

And also because she wants to address her needs and strengthen her relationships.

So owning who she is so she can become a more confident her is a side benefit…or is it?

Let me help you clarify your needs, your relationships, and your sense of self, so you can master boundaries to become a confident homeschool mom.

Oh, and the biggest benefit of building boundaries?

👉 Practically transforming how you approach yourself (which directly influences others),

👉 Shifting your relationships toward satisfying your needs & others’ needs,

👉 Clarifying your identity (& thereby your daily (& meta) purpose)…

You can build boundaries that will transform how you learn to advocate for yourself and you live a more purposeful life.

Build your Boundaries Checklist for Homeschool Moms: Become a Confident Homeschool Mom

You’ll know you want to become a confident homeschool mom because you identify with these things (& you don’t want to anymore!)

Or perhaps you wonder if you have issues with boundaries but you’re not clear why, and you’re not sure how to change it.

Maybe you spend too much time thinking about…
  • what other people think about your homeschool
  • knowing that you want more time for yourself but not getting it
  • answering the phone when you should be eyeball-to-eyeball with your kids
  • recognizing that you need more time spent on developing yourself but are not sure how or where you can do that
  • spending more time doing extracurriculars because people are asking you to participate, even though you want a quiet day at home
  • giving your time away to meaningful things, but not the most important things
  • fielding unsupportive questions about your homeschool choice feeling exhausted by conflict with your partner
  • knowing you’re not showing up as you’d like with your kids but you’re not sure why
  • feeling guilty or ashamed at how you’re showing up with your kids desperately wanting a separate space or time away from your kids
  • or feeling your kids are mistreating you or disrespecting you, but you can’t quite figure out if that is just them being kids

And maybe you even feel unsupported and don’t think you can ask even the most important people in your life to help…

If this is you, consider joining me for a conversation to learn how to build (or bolster) your boundaries, so you can be confident in the face of others’ expectations, and include yourself in your life.

Teresa Wiedrick, Homeschool Life Coach

Useful resources for you to become a confident homeschool mom:

🛠️ Ready to take action? Start with self-reflection using our Build Your Boundaries Journaling Workbook.

🛠️ Dive into the inner work and schedule a coaching session with Teresa.

Empower yourself, meet your needs, and live authentically with strong boundaries.

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.