Debunking the Myth of Balance with the Canadian Homeschooler

More than a decade of teaching five children at home has given her plenty of experience on the path.

Today on the podcast, I chat with Lisa Marie Fletcher from the Canadian Homeschooler.

The Myth of Homeschool Balance with Lisa Marie Fletcher of the Canadian Homeschooler

Homeschool balance is a myth, because it should be about priority, not balance. We need to put a heavier weight on the thing that is the most important in the moment, not how many things can I equal out over time.

Lisa Marie Fletcher, Creator of The Canadian Homeschooler

What we discussed in this podcast episode…

  • Why self-care is so challenging for Lisa Marie to get
  • How we have to see ourselves as separate people from our family; otherwise we’ll burn out.
  • How do we recognize our triggers so we can be our best selves as moms to our kids?
  • We discuss how we need to prioritize the most important thing needed versus balance.
  • Why eyeball-to-eyeball time is important for at least 15 minutes a day.
  • Why we don’t need to worry about the kids being bored?
  • What our kids have taught us along the way.

I found myself lying on my living room floor in tears, while some of the kids are fighting, some are running upstairs looking for pencils, I’ve got a toddler and a baby, and I was crying my eyes out. I had no idea what I was going to do. I feel like a failure. I’m such a fraud. This was a major struggle I had to deal with.

Lisa Marie Fletcher

You can find Lisa Marie at…
Learn more about Lisa Marie’s book, How to Homeschool in Canada: A Travel Guide for Your Homeschooling Journey

Have you decided to homeschool and aren’t sure where to start? Are you overwhelmed by curriculum choices and trying to figure out exactly what you need to do? How to Homeschool in Canada is your travel guide to beginning this homeschooling journey with confidence. Within these pages, you’ll learn how Homeschooling is a wonderful adventure. Having all the right tools and equipment will make it easier to enjoy the journey. If you are looking for a guide to illuminate your path, this is the book for you.

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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