Introducing Holly Schutzenhofer, Web Designer at Haven Words

I have the privilege of learning from so many homeschool mamas as I walk alongside them to encourage them & help them show up on purpose in their homeschools (& lives).

In this series, I offer an opportunity to peek inside the life of a homeschool mama just like you.

So join us! (& if you’d like to contribute to this series, email me at [email protected]).

Join me in welcoming Holly Schutzenhofer, web designer, creator of beauty, and homeschool mama of 2 kiddos as I share a sneak peek into her homeschool life.

Holly Schutzenhofer

So let’s chat with Holly, web designer, creator of beauty, and homeschool mama of 2 kiddos!

Tell me about your homeschool, when and why you began homeschooling & who you’re homeschooling… 

I began homeschooling when my oldest daughter was 5 years old. She is now 17.

I knew right away that I didn’t want to send her to public school.

So I looked into private schools, but I just felt in my gut that she needed to be home with me.

I had a friend who was planning to homeschool as well, and she had already done a lot of research.

So I leaned on her to help me.

What keeps you homeschooling?

What keeps me homeschooling is the lifestyle. I am not a very scheduled person either, so the idea of being a slave to the school schedule was something that I was not a fan of. But most importantly, I wanted to be with my daughters. Both of them have been in school for short periods of time. And overall, our preference is that they remain at home with us more than away from us. We are also unschoolers. My daughters seem to do much better with that way of life.

What is your greatest challenge?

One of my great challenges is the amount of guilt that I feel that I am not giving my girls what they need. I let too many worries in with questioning whether or not I am making the best decisions for them.

What are your top 5 top self-care strategies?

I struggle with self-care but I am slowly learning. I would say that some of the strategies that I utilize the most are: boundaries with whom I let speak into my life and the lives of my children, slow living, keeping our days as simple as possible, ample alone time for myself, good sleep, and taking care of my mental health.

What are your favourite 3 resources for homeschooling? 

We have started to like Outschool and Skillshare. Lots of books, podcasts, and blogs.

What are your favourite 3 readalouds in your homeschool? 

I’m not sure if we have any favourite readalouds. My oldest daughter loves to read. But she mostly reads on her own. My youngest daughter isn’t a fan of books, which makes me sad because I LOVE books! So we try to find other creative ways for her to learn.

How do you find time for yourself alone?

I take opportunities when I can. I don’t have a set schedule for it. But I am usually able to take some time at least once a day. Usually when my youngest daughter is outside playing with her neighbour friends.

Who are you outside your homeschool mama identity? 

I have several interests. I love being creative. I enjoy nature, baking, writing, reading, and capturing beauty in any form.

Holly at Haven Words

What is the most aligned homeschool philosophy with how you’re doing it?  

Probably a combination of Charlotte Mason, Waldorf, and Unschooling. Since my youngest doesn’t like to read, I find creative ways to sneak in the Charlotte Mason.

What is your favourite thing to do with your kids? 

Mostly just snuggling on the couch and talking. We like to laugh and be silly.

What advice would you give to a new(er) homeschool mama? 

Find out your “why” before you figure out the “what”. A lot of new moms like the romanticism of homeschooling but usually, give up when the honeymoon phase of homeschooling is over. It’s so important to have a good solid foundation. Also, don’t neglect yourself. mental health is so important. Especially when you are at home with your children all day.

If you could create a homeschool mama retreat, what are the three things you would most want to include?  

Peaceful, comfortable, and relaxing.

Tell me about a story of overwhelm in your homeschool journey. 

I feel overwhelmed frequently. I have ADHD, depression, and anxiety. So I am always looking for ways to remain grounded and at peace. When I start to feel overwhelmed, I assess what could be causing it, and then I try to release any guilt and shame that I may be feeling.

Tell me about the tools you’ve used to deschool your homeschool. 

My girls have been mostly homeschooled, but I have had to back off considerably and trust that they will pick things back up if/when they are ready. My oldest used to love reading when she was younger.

But after a few years of private school, she hated reading. So I had to back off and let her find the love of reading again. And she did. It was a good reminder that our children will find what they love and are interested in.

You can find Holly online at:  

Teresa Wiedrick, the Homeschool Life Coach at

Use a journaling workbook to get to know yourself better too.

Develop a journaling practice to build self-awareness: How to Instill a Homeschool Mama Daily Affirmation Practice in your Morning Routine

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.